5 Ways to Give to Charity This Holiday Season

Santa holding a red heart with snow

There are so many ways you can give this holiday season!
Image: Shutterstock

We all get into a rush during the holiday season; from rushing around shopping for gifts to hosting parties and potlucks, it can be hard to take a step back and consider if you’ve gone enough good this year. In the midst of holiday chaos, it is worth it to pause and think about those who have no one to give to them. Here are five ways to give back while still embracing the holiday season:

  1. Buy the Soccket for someone you care about. Described as an “energy-harnessing soccer ball,” this awesome invention plays like a soccer ball and then can generate enough electricity to power a lamp, cell hone or water purifier. Play for one hour and get a six-hour charge. Buy one for children in need or donate one a local gift drive.
  2. Going on vacation this year with the family? Pack For a Purpose encourages travelers to pack five pounds extra in their suitcase for local children. Things such as school supplies, soccer balls, clothing, and more which will be collected for donations.
  3. Donate a bicycle. We take for granted that ambulances will rapidly get us to the hospital here but in some parts of the world, it can be a five-hour walk to the nearest hospital. By donating to Canadian charity Bikes Without Borders (bikeswithoutboarders.org) you can help provide heavy duty bike ambulances to communities in rural Malawi.
  4. Think locally and head to a nonprofit in your neighborhood. Ask your local homeless shelter, clinic, school, cultural organization or house of worship how you can help by volunteering or donating.
  5. Donate to Rock + Rawhide. Sometimes when we are busy wrapping and giving gifts to family and friends, it can be easy to forget about our beloved pets. Each year over 6 million dogs and cats end up in homeless shelters. Rock + Rawhide sends them toys, blankets, rawhide bones and more to help with their stress and make them more adoptable. Learn more at rockandrawhide.org.

How do you plan on giving back this holiday season?

5 thoughts on “5 Ways to Give to Charity This Holiday Season

  1. Thank you for the shout out about Pack for a Purpose. It is greatly appreciated. We have posted your blog on the News section on our website under Around the Web.

    With appreciation,

    Rebecca Rothney, Founder of Pack for a Purpose

  2. Reblogged this on talktodiana and commented:
    It’s a busy, busy week for me! In lieu of my usual Hump Day Chronicles, I am reblogging this post. I think it has some excellent Christmas ideas for us to consider if we are inclined to give in ways that help others this Christmas season. ❤

  3. All great ideas I’ve never heard of! My birth family chooses to exchange gifts of charity instead of material items … this will feed my efforts!

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